The highest paid actor of ABS-CBN, a veteran performer a trying-hard singer, Piolo has kept himself durable during all those times. Since then, during his team-up with the "Teleserye Queen" Judy Ann Santos, he remained discreet about his personal life. In fact, he remained silent about the short-lived affair he had with Juday. On the other hand, Judy Ann was also tongue-tied. Both of them tried to preserve the "no string attached" image of showbiz personalities. Fans might get jealous, as most fans were possessive. Their idol must not be attached to anybody. Several other female stars were linked with Piolo Pascual. There was Rica Peralejo, but they were all presumptions, no admittance from the party involved.
Until one day, here goes the great revelation. It was Piolo who has to speak-out, not KC. Most people got surprised about it. What's the motive sinking, he therefore needs to gimmick. But why with KC? People said, KC needs gimmick because her career does not rise. Oh my so, everything is purely gimmick? What's your opinion? How about the megastar, was she making a gimmick too?
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